Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Summary from facilitators' feedback

Summary from facilitators is available here:

For your reference, here's the link contains facilitators' feedback:

Any comments pls?


  1. Hi Joy
    your results are cookin! I have sent out feedback separately on the student survey responses - in the google doc.

    It will be really interesting (if you have time) in your discussion section of the report to mention any differences or similarities between the students and the facilitators responses. For example, facilitators did not think students had enough information around learning objectives and students thought they did.

    In the first section of facilitators' and students' results , just take care to leave out references to % which are not particularly important. In the final report, the full list of responses for both facilitators and students can go in the Appendices.

  2. Thx Bronwyn. Will compare the findings from different perspective. I am sure it will be interesting to see the difference.

    Appreciate your support :-)
    Many thx ^_^
